Cat Left Outside in Blazing Sun Didn’t Know How to Trust, Turns Out He’s Biggest Softie and a Kitten at Heart

A cat left outside in the blazing sun didn’t know how to trust. He turned out to be the biggest softie and a kitten at heart.

tabby cat rescued

Sunny, the cat, came to Clifton Animal Shelter with a broken heart that needed mending. He had been left in a trap outside the shelter door, hours before it opened.

Volunteers were stunned to find him sitting in the blazing sun and rushed to get him inside. “He came to us very broken. At first, he did not trust any of us,” Clifton Animal Shelter shared.

After the ordeal, the cat was stressed and terrified. He wouldn’t let anyone touch him and huddled quietly in his kennel, looking defeated.

shelter cat sweet

Behind his fearful exterior lay a sweet soul, eager to be loved. Volunteers saw a glint of hope in his eyes and made it their mission to help him. “We knew he deserved better, so we vowed to make a difference for him and teach him to trust us.”

Once they discovered his favorite food, they got right to work.

cat accepts pets

“Sunny loves lickable cat treats and fresh chicken – these have helped lower the walls he has put up after being treated so poorly.”

After a few months of tireless efforts, he began blinking at the volunteers, allowing them to stroke him and even showing them some belly. Through daily positive reinforcement, he slowly came out of his shell as he warmed up to his people.

shelter cat socializing snuggles

“Our amazing volunteers have spent so many hours working with him and letting him know that not all humans will fail him.”

About five months into socialization, Sunny reached another milestone when he decided to take a leap of faith to cuddle. He cozied up with a volunteer on her lap and leaned into her for cheek scratches.

shelter cat snuggles lap

“We are so deliriously happy with the progress Sunny is making. He can be held now and even sat on a volunteer’s lap. All it takes is love and patience.”

Then, earlier this year, he surprised his caregivers with yet another breakthrough – he switched on his purr engine for the first time. With his newfound confidence, he began to explore the world around him and reveal his playful and adventurous side.

playful shelter cat

He fell in love with various cat toys, pouncing and chasing after them with new zest. “Sunny is getting a chance to be a kitten again, and we absolutely love it.”

With his growing interest in toys, they introduced him to more feline entertainment. Sunny was enthralled by videos and games on a screen and even put his paws on the devices like a proper businessman.

shelter cat sweet tabby

It’s been over a year since Sunny came to the shelter. He’s no longer that fearful cat they once knew but a giant love bug with kneady paws and a purr motor that never stops running.

“Sunny loves to be held. He holds onto you like a koala bear and likes to sit on laps or lay on your chest.”

sweet shelter cat snuggles

“He likes to sit up high and watch things around him. His purr will just melt you. He wants a snuggle buddy in a quiet environment.”

“He now waits every day for us to come in and be with him, sitting at the front of the cage waiting for attention. He is looking for ‘his person.'”

sweet affectionate shelter cat

Sunny, who is FIV+, is ready to embark on a new chapter with a caring family who will cherish and spoil him endlessly.

sweet shelter cat tabby

“Life has dealt Sunny a challenging hand, but his resilient spirit shines through those soulful eyes. Thanks to all the love and time our volunteers have given him, he has become the biggest mush.”

sweet snuggly cat

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