Cat Hiding on the Stairs of Subway Station Turns into a Total Lap Cat within Days

A cat found hiding on the stairs of a subway station turned into a total lap cat in just a few days.

tabby lap cat

Last week, Meagan, president of PuppyKittyNYCity (an animal rescue), was on her way to work when she received an urgent message about a cat found in a subway station.

The cat crouched down on the stairs, frozen in fear. Though terrified, there wasn’t a mean bone in his body, and he even allowed his finder to pet him. As soon as Meagan received the location, she sprang into action.

Her rescue was already full, but “there are some situations you can’t say no to. There is no way we could let this baby stay in the subway station all day long,” Meagan shared.

stray tabby cat subway

The cat had likely been abandoned as no one came to claim him. Somehow, he ended up in the subway station. Overwhelmed by the noise of the city, he pressed himself against the stairs, trying to hide.

Despite needing to report to work that morning, Meagan rerouted and headed to the scene while one of their volunteers stayed with the cat to keep him safe.

shy tabby cat rescue

When she arrived, the cat was curled up on the volunteer’s lap and tucked into her arms. He didn’t move or try to flee, cuddling up to his human as if he believed she was his shield.

Meagan didn’t have rescue equipment on her at the time, so they improvised.

cat lap volunteer subway

She removed all the items from her purse and gently placed the cat inside. It was a perfect fit, and the docile cat nestled in without a fuss. As Meagan carried him through the street, he leaned into her, trusting that he was in good hands.

“I got him safely to my car, and of course, we named him Subway.”

cat carried safety

Subway was a bit shaken from the ordeal, but he began to relax once he was inside the car. That morning, Meagan took quite the detour to work, but it was all worth it.

Subway was secure, and he would never have to endure another day outside.

stray cat tabby car

Over the next few days, Subway visited the vet and received all the care he needed to begin a new chapter filled with love and pampering.

Soon after settling indoors, he came out of his shell and blossomed into a total lap cat.

sweet tabby cat snuggles

Estimated to be one year old, Subway is still a kitten at heart. As much as he loves to play, he craves human affection even more. “He’s literally perfect and so friendly. He’d be a great first cat or an amazing addition to any home.”

Subway has regained his confidence and no longer cowers. He saunters up to his people for pets and attention, his purr engine rumbling loudly.

sweet tabby cat

He’s incredibly gentle and sweet with every loving stroke he receives from his people. The cherry on top is that Subway also adores the company of other cats. He has a heart of gold.

As soon as anyone sits down, Subway transforms into a purring, furry lap warmer, kneading his way into prime position. He’s the happiest when he’s cuddling with his people and getting his cheeks scritched.

tabby lap cat

Subway comes up to volunteers when they call him, gazing into their eyes, ready to be petted.

Thanks to the kindness of the rescuers, Subway is thriving in his new life, reveling in warm laps, delicious meals, and the comforts of indoor living.

happy tabby lap cat

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