Cat Stuck in Shelter Only Knows Hisses Then Someone Opens Their Home and Watches Him Change

A cat stuck in a shelter only knew hisses, and then someone opened their home to him and watched him change.

fluffy community cat

Big Ben had spent many years as a community cat, braving the harsh life on the streets. But thanks to the volunteers at Bay D’Espoir Kitty Rescue, he was finally safe and given a second chance at life.

“He lived most of his life under a school and was cared for by the community. His football cheeks and waddle walk make him cartoon-like and extra easy to love,” Exploits Valley SPCA shared.

“Finally, the time has come for him to find a real home and turn that frown upside down.”

shy shelter cat

Upon arriving at the SPCA, Big Ben was scared, huddled in the corner of his kennel with sadness written all over his face. He was withdrawn and stressed, hissing at anyone who approached him.

Behind those fearful eyes, shelter staff saw a gentle soul who longed for love and a place to call home.

sad shelter cat fluffy

After surviving years outside, it was no surprise that Big Ben tested positive for FIV. “He’s able to live a long, normal life but must be an indoor cat.”

Ben watched as visitors passed him by, choosing to adopt younger cats or kittens. “After living most his life outside, he was nervous in the chaotic shelter setting. He became depressed. His signature sad face somehow got even sadder.”

fluffy shelter cat sad face

The staff continued searching for a good home for the deserving boy and knew the perfect family was out there somewhere. After sharing his story for weeks, many people who couldn’t adopt Ben showed their support in other ways.

Then, one day, they received an application they’d been waiting for.

When Amber came across a post about Ben, she knew in her heart he was the perfect fit. “Ben instantly stole her heart, and she started preparing a room for him before even hearing back from the shelter.”

A couple of days later, Big Ben was on his way to his new home, bidding farewell to the staff and leaving his old life behind.

fluffy shy cat home

Within a day, Ben decided he would no longer hide in the shadows and slowly made his way out of the carrier.

When Amber brought him snacks and water, he felt comfortable eating out in the open. “He’s all set up with more blankets and beds than he’s ever seen in his life. Big Ben is in his happily ever after.”

cat fluffy home

It’s been a little over four months since Big Ben was adopted, and his life has changed forever.

Ben broke many hearts with his permanent sad face a while ago. “I think it’s safe to say he isn’t sad anymore,” Amber shared in an update. “He’s made so much improvement.”

fluffy cat happy home

He went from a cat who “didn’t leave his room and never meowed, only hissed” to a sweet boy who enjoys chatting with his human. “I’m sure he’s answering my questions when I ask.”

Ben has met the family dog, Max. He doesn’t mind having a canine companion and is curious about his every move. Their friendship continues to grow with each passing day.

cat dog friends couch

“It makes all the hard work and effort worth it to see Ben’s frown turn upside down. He barely moved in the shelter, and now there he is sitting on the couch,” the SPCA added.

fluffy cat happy

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