Kitten from an Alley Lets Nothing Hold Him Back and Soon Discovers His ‘Inside Voice’

A tiny kitten found in an alley let nothing hold him back and soon discovered his “inside voice.”

tiny panther kitty paws

Luka, the kitten, was found screaming alone in an alley by a Good Samaritan. After searching for the mother and siblings to no avail, they contacted local rescuers for help.

Volunteers at The Bond Between didn’t hesitate to take the kitten in and were struck by his determination to live. “(Bottle feeding) can be a challenge when young orphaned kittens first come to the rescue” because they often don’t understand the formula, but not Luka.

“He was skinny, hungry, and vocal when he arrived, but thankfully, he had a good appetite and took to the bottle immediately,” Kris Kaiser, the foster mom, shared.

tiny kitten cute

At first, Luka was a bit confused by his new surroundings, but he didn’t let that hold him back. His purr motor roared to life, never stopping as he blissfully sank his paws into soft blankets.

The kitten seemed relieved to finally have a roof over his head and a kind human to cater to his needs.

kitten cute panther kitty

Luka’s voracious appetite and fierce nature had him loudly voicing his every want and need. “He lets it be known whenever he’s feeling hungry and has come so far in the week since he arrived.”

“He has almost doubled in size. He’s now just over a pound. He clearly has a strong will to live.”

house panther kitten paws

Luka isn’t afraid to speak his mind at mealtime, demanding attention whenever his foster mom enters the room. With his powerful lungs, he is the definition of persistence, and nothing will stand in his way.

“He has discovered his inside voice, which is often silent or a tiny squeak, which makes him all the more adorable.”

kitten cute screaming

After getting a full belly, Luka likes to flop onto his side and wave his paws in the air. He’s learning to clean his tiny “bear paws” and never fails to amaze his humans with what he can do.

“His personality has really come out, and he has some funny little quirks.”

Kris gives Luka all the time he needs to wean and has noticed an endearing eating habit from the little guy.

“He tries to bunny-kick the bottle while trying to eat. Wiping his face offers the same challenges. The little man has a personality. That’s for sure.”

house panther kitten paws

Luka is a mini house panther with a tiny roar but big cat energy.

“Right now, there is more of a need for bottle baby fosters. One perk with fostering orphans is that they live in tiny spaces like a storage tote when young and a playpen closer to weaning age.”

kitten learning to eat

At four weeks old, Luka will be introduced to two other foster kittens his age, where he’ll discover the joys of toys, wrestling, and playful antics.

“He will benefit so much from having other kittens to play with.”

panther kitten hugs paws

Until then, Luka spends most of his day napping, waking only to demand food and attention. He rolls around with his rotund belly on display before drifting back into a deep slumber.

black kitten cute luka

When Luka was found in the alley a little over a week ago, he was determined to live. He has since blossomed into a courageous kitty with a ravenous appetite and a larger-than-life personality.

cute kitten black panther

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